Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wolf Volume 1 Review

Wolf, Volume 1: Blood and Magic. Ales Kot, Matt Taylor, Lee Loughridge, Clayton Cowles, and Tom Muller. 2015. Image. 163 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I am a little conflicted on this book. It was a lot of fun to read. It is essentially a detective story, but I can't remember what sort of case the title character is supposed to be solving. He spends most of the book trying to help his friend Freddy and a young woman that is supposedly the Antichrist.

The story is set in a version of our world where supernatural things exist. Ghosts, vampires, tentacle monsters, etc. The art really brings these creatures to life. My favorite character is the sidekick that is based on the writings of HP Lovecraft, even the way he speaks.

Wolf himself is a bit of a mystery. There isn't much information given about him. He clearly has some sort of connection to the supernatural, which isn't fully explained, but we do get to see more of it as the book progresses. I don't think there is anything groundbreaking in this book, but the references sprinkled throughout made it enjoyable for me. I am interested in seeing what happens next with these characters.

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