Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Blacklist, Volume 1 Review

The Blacklist, Volume 1: The Gambler. Nicole Phillips and Beni Lobel. 2016. Titan Comics. 128 pages.

Rating: 4/5

The Blacklist is based on the NBC TV show, and was included in the September 2016 Comic Bento box. I've never seen the show, which is a crime drama. It actually worked really well in the graphic novel format.

This is a brand new story that takes place within the show's setting. The cool thing about it is that one of the writers from the show worked on this book. These lend strength to the book because it isn't just a rehash of the show and it is able to draw on the knowledge of the creators.

As for the story itself, it is pretty solid. It follows Liz Keen, who is an FBI agent, and a criminal informant, Red Reddington, that will only work with her. They are brought onto a case after the FBI is set up for the murder of a politician. Together they have to find out who is behind it and bring him in.

There is a bit of backstory for Liz and Red individually, so people unfamiliar with the show that might be interested in the book can still get something out of it. It does give some information on their working relationship, but it isn't developed too greatly. The supporting characters add some depth to the setting also.

Probably the weakest element of the book is the art. It's good for the most part, although the character faces can be a little off at times. The styling fits the book pretty well though. This wasn't a book I would normally pick up, but I enjoyed it.

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