Monday, May 15, 2017

Black Widow, Volume 1 Review

Black Widow, Volume 1: The Finely Woven Thread. Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto. 2014. Marvel. 144 pages.

Rating: 4/5

For my first Black Widow story, I rather liked this one. It pulls her out of the super hero world and shifts it over to more of a spy one. She still works to do good, but it is less out in the open and she gets to be more selective about her work. There is a lot more action in this book than I was expecting though. For someone who works from the shadows, she gets into the thick of things quite a bit.

I feel like this book makes the character more approachable. She still has an edge of mystery around her. The creators just work subtly to show her as a more rounded person. Black Widow is actively trying to atone for actions from her past. There are a few appearances from other Marvel characters. I think this worked better that there wasn't a bigger presence by some of these other characters because it would have taken away from Natasha's story.

The art is good. There weren't any confusing images, which is always a plus. It can get a little over the top in the latter half of the book because of the characters involved. I enjoyed my first Black Widow book and will probably continue reading this series.

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