Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Mer Review

Mer. Joelle Sellner. 2017. Lion Forge. 128 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

So this book is aimed at a young adult audience. I mention this because I'm not part of the target audience, which may skew my reading of the book. Anyway, the book is about a young woman who has lost her mom and her family has moved to a new community. Plus mermaids.

The themes of loss and feeling like you don't fit in can be powerful for the intended audience, but they felt a little forced to me. This might partly be because the characters aren't developed as much as I like. Things are paced very well, although it does seem rushed during some of the transitions. Probably the best thing about this book is the mermaid culture that is developed. These creatures are shown to be separate from human society but still reliant on it in a way. I wanted this to be built up more.

The art is fine. It tends to be cartoonish, which works for this book but isn't my favorite. It gets a bit sloppy at times too. That probably is related to the style of the art though. Teenage readers should enjoy this book.

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