Sunday, May 7, 2017

Joyride, Vol. 1 Review

Joyride, Volume 1. Jackson Lanzig, Colling Kelly, Marcus To, and Irma Kniivila. 2016. BOOM! Studios. 112 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Well that was a blast. Joyride is a seriously fun, action packed space adventure. Earth made contact with alien races and is now ruled by a dictatorship that restricts anyone from leaving the planet. With this premise, the book could have gone really dark and turned into a dystopian story. Instead, everything about it is bright and energetic. There are conflicts to keep things interesting though.

I love the characters. From the rebellious Uma to the hitchhiker Kolstak. Every one of them adds personality to the book. There is enough variety to keep me engaged and prevent things from becoming flat. The development of the characters individually and as a whole over the course of the story is great too. Despite some differences, it sort of makes sense that they would keep travelling together.

But the stand out portion of this book is the art. I really like the style for the characters. Most of them are little more than kids and the art captures that. Their expressions are detailed and support the text. The colors do a lot to create the tone of the book. I think the panel work is awesome too. They do a lot to draw the eye down the page, so even if they are used in an unusual way I didn't feel confused as to where I should be looking or reading next. Then there are the scenes that juxtapose two characters. These go a long way to show how the characters are similar and different without spelling things out. I liked this one so much I went out and bought a physical copy. Can't wait to read volume 2!

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