Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Comic Book Story of Video Games Review

The Comic Book Story of Video Games: The Incredible History of the Electronic Gaming Revolution. Jonathan Hennessy and Jack McGowan. 2017. Ten Speed Press. 192 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

There is way more information here than I was initially expecting. It begins with pinball machines, early computers, and their creators and continues to the present day with next gen game consoles and mobile apps.

This book is pretty comprehensive for the format. It covers a good deal of time and connects things together through associations between various creators. I did lose track of who was connected with which system over time. The amount of information covered cause the book to move at a slower pace than I wanted. While I wanted information on more recent game companies, I appreciate the groundwork the writers laid with the periods they chose to focus on.

The biggest strength of the book has got to be the art. When talking about video games, it makes sense to include visual references. The creators go all out with visual references to numerous video game characters and franchises. They play around with page layout at times, which I feel works very well. Fans of video games will get a lot out of the book from the art alone. Choosing the comic format fits perfectly with this topic.

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