Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ivar, Timewalker Volume 2 Review

Ivar, Timewalker Volume Two: Breaking History. Fred Van Lente and Francis Portela. 2015. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Volume two didn't have quite the same impact as volume one, but it is still enjoyable. The first issue in this volume continues the time traveling shenanigans that I enjoyed from volume one and sets the scene for the rest of the issues. The Anni-Padda brothers are back together for this story. There is something about the sibling rivalry between them that is fun to read. Plus, Amelia Earhart makes an appearance.

The story didn't seem to flow quite as well as the previous volume. It seems to slow down a little to bring Ivar and Neela back together. The characters are fine on their own, but I feel like they work a lot better together. I didn't like Neela's story as much, but I think it is laying the groundwork for the third volume in the series.

I enjoyed the art. It's not anything super special, but it is solid work. Flipping through the book again I did notice a few things that I don't think I caught the first time through, so there are some nice details to find. I'll definitely pick up the third volume to see how this series wraps up.

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