Monday, May 15, 2017

Darth Vader, Volume 1 Review

Darth Vader, Volume 1. Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larocca. 2015. Marvel. 160 pages.

Rating: 3/5

Darth Vader is a great villain. This book ramps up his ruthlessness and intelligence. I was a little surprised by the level of violence though. Vader typically seemed like a villain that used others to get things done, which does happen here too. He also takes direct action at times. Capturing the different sides of Vader is one of the things that this book does really well. It even hints back to events from the prequels to flesh things out. And the art is top notch. Marvel does a great job of bringing in good artists for their books. This one won't disappoint in that regard.

The story itself seemed kind of weak to me though. The tension between Vader and Palpatine is good. It shows how harsh walking the dark path is. I feel like the story got pushed along at times in strange ways. It's almost as if the creators weren't sure how to connect story points and just glossed over things to keep going. That probably seems a bit harsh, especially because the book is good as a whole. Those moments just happened too often for my taste. This volume does a great job of fleshing out the Star Wars universe and getting into the head of Darth Vader. Fans of the franchise won't want to pass it up.

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