Sunday, June 4, 2017

Daredevil: The Devil Inside and Out, Volume 1 Review

Daredevil: The Devil, Inside and Out, Volume 1. Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark. 2013. Marvel. 160 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Yet another wonderful book from Ed Brubaker! He does a great job with the Marvel characters. This time Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil, is in jail. He is being held under suspicion of being Daredevil. His friends are working to get him released from prison while he has to struggle to survive while keeping his superhero persona hidden. Meanwhile, someone is running around Hell's Kitchen dressed up as DD.

The biggest thing that left me unsure of this book is that it never really gives a recap of what happened to bring Matt Murdock to this point. Someone that isn't familiar with the events of the previous book would probably want to wait on reading this one as a result. But it is so well done otherwise that I would recommend picking it up anyway. It does a great job showing Matt struggling with the prison environment and it is presented in a way that is different from other prison dramas.

For the most part, I enjoyed the art. It took me a while to get into the style though. It is more realistic and less flashy than I'm used to seeing in Daredevil (and other Marvel) books. It fits the darker tone of this story. I will be checking out the second volume of this story.

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