Thursday, June 22, 2017

Runaways, Volume 1 Review

Runaways, Volume 1: Pride and Joy. Brian K Vaughan and Adrian Alphona. 2006. Marvel. 144 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I do sort of like the concept behind this book. A bunch of kids learn that their parents lead a group of supervillains and decide they need to stop them. They go through a series of steps before they decide to take direct action against their parents, which I think is a nice approach.

The story feels a bit forced early on. The children are introduced in rapid succession and don't seem to have any reason to like each other. This left me feeling detached from the characters until well into the book where their separate personalities develop. The shallowness in the beginning made the book drag for a while. There is a lot of potential in these characters and the story though.

I wasn't a huge fan of the art because it's quite cartoony. This works for the characters, but doesn't quite match up to the overall tone of the book. There are some nice scenes when powers start getting used that showcase the different abilities. It's a decent book but I don't expect to continue it at this point.

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