Friday, June 30, 2017

Pretty Deadly, Volume 2 Review

Pretty Deadly, Volume 2: The Bear. Kelly Sue DeConnick, Emma Rios, Jordie Bellaire, and Clayton Cowles. 2016. Image Comics. 152 pages.

Rating: 4/5

I didn't like volume 2 quite as much as volume 1. The art is still amazing, and the book is worth picking up on that alone. It can be kind of trippy at times. However, the pages are done beautifully and really push at expectations of what a comic does.

The story itself is good, but I felt like it was a notch below the first volume. This book expands on some of what came before. It loses a little of the mystique along the way though. The book really takes a shift away from that western style to one focused on war, with a big part of the tale taking place in the trenches during World War I.

I like the characters. They are well written and pulled me into their stories. It's interesting to see what Sissy does now that she wears the mantle of Death. This allows the setting to open up in ways that the reader wouldn't quite expect from the first volume. It can be a bit jumbled at times, but that is part of what I like about the book. I'd like to see more from this group.

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