Monday, June 26, 2017

Wonder Woman: The True Amazon Review

Wonder Woman: The True Amazon. Jill Thompson. 2016. DC Comics. 128 pages.

Rating: 3/5

As someone who is new to Wonder Woman comics, I thought this book was alright. It explores her background as a member of the Amazons, and even gives an overview of their origins. Diana is doted upon by the other Amazons because she is the daughter of their leader. She acts like a spoiled brat because of it.

One of the things that kept me from enjoying the book more, and a lot of other readers from what I've seen, is her immaturity in this story. The book is targeted toward a younger age group that might get more out of this version of the character and be able to identify with her more. However, fans might be put off. I feel like I was lucky to come in with a clean slate because I didn't have any expectations for the story. The plot could have been stronger though. It focuses so much on Diana's immaturity that the person she becomes feels so different from what is shown in this volume.

I like the style of the book though. The illustrations are great for a story involving the ancient Greeks and their gods. It's laid out differently from a traditional comic too, which might be intended to draw in some new readers. It works nicely for the story though because the layout complements the drawings perfectly. Despite some issues with this book, I am interested in checking out more Wonder Woman stories. New readers might just enjoy this as a starting point.

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