Friday, June 9, 2017

The Circle Review

The Circle. Damon Clark and Alyzia Zherno. 2017. Action Lab Entertainment. 160 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

So the initial premise for this book is lacking: the main character's mother dies, so Christian and his father move to a new town where he is an outcast. He is taken in by the other outsiders at his school and things start to get more interesting. They seem to dabble in magic as a lark, but it turns out to be real. Christian finds himself in over his head.

This book gets very dark between the magic rituals and the fallout that Christian faces. That darkness sets this book apart from similar books that I've read. And I like that Christian's progression through the book feels natural.

My favorite part of the book is probably the art. When the magic begins to show up, the art brings it out subtly. It adds to the tension and darkness of the book too. Aside from a few stumbling points related to the plot, this is a solid book worth picking up.

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