Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Valiant Review

The Valiant. Jeff Lemire, Matt Kindt, Paolo Rivera, and Joe Rivera. 2015. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Hoo boy. The creative team on this book is fantastic. Now, this isn't a great place to jump into Valiant comics. It helps to know the characters going into it, particularly Bloodshot, Gilad the Eternal Warrior, and the Geomancer. These characters make up the heart of the story. Throughout time an entity known as the Immortal Enemy comes around to kill the Geomancer, who is a protector of the Earth. With a new Geomancer on the scene, the Immortal Enemy decides to strike in an attempt to send the world into another dark age.

I like the guises that the Immortal Enemy takes on throughout the book. We see some of its appearances in the past, which include some classic creatures. The most recent visage is something important to the Geomancer. I felt like this was a nice touch because it adds some tension for the character. The scenes between Bloodshot and the Geomancer are superb. This book also provides background on Gilad, including the origin of the three scars on his face.

The art is good. Clearly, the creators had a lot of fun putting things together. There are some big battle scenes featuring the various Valiant universe characters, and more intimate moments that dial things back. The events in this book have a major impact on the ones that follow, so its definitely worth picking up.

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