Sunday, June 11, 2017

X-O Manowar (2017), Volume 1 Review

X-O Manowar, Volume 1: Soldier. Matt Kindt, Tomas Giorello, and Diego Rodriguez. 2017. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Disclaimer: I received a free partial galley via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Damn you, Matt Kindt! I swear it feels like I've enjoyed every book I've read from him so far. This takes Aric of Dacia away from Earth and out of the X-O armor (at least for a little while). The world that they've settled on is war torn and Aric ends up being conscripted. This book is great because it captures the feel for the character both in and out of battle. While he has tried to put aside the armor and take up farming, he isn't quite able to avoid it entirely. Aric is also a great strategist. He sees the looming battle and prepares accordingly. Once he is involved in the war, that same tactical mind is put to use to keep himself and his comrades alive.

The art is lovely. The world imagined here is beautiful and almost starkly barren. This contrast works nicely. The battle scenes get a bit confusing, but that seems to mirror the uncertainty and chaotic nature of the war. Even though I didn't get to read the whole story, I am hooked on the new chapter of this hero's story.

This volume does depart from previous Valiant books in that it only contains three issues. While I am disappointed with that, the change fits with the strength of this story. I will definitely pick up a copy of this one.

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