Sunday, June 18, 2017

No Mercy, Volume 1 Review

No Mercy, Volume 1. Alex De Campi, Carla Speed McNeil, and Jenn Manley Lee. 2015. Image Comics. 120 pages.

Rating: 4/5

As the title suggests, this book can be brutal. It starts off innocuously with a group of teens going on a volunteer trip to Latin America. The early portion of the book plays up the fact that these kids are preparing to move onto college and might just be going on this trip to make themselves look good. Their guide once they arrive is a nun, but even with her help they end up stranded.

The creators do a nice job easing into the crux of  the story. I think it would have felt like a very different book if they opened right into the bad stuff. As it is, the tension created after the first major turning point works. From there it becomes a matter of survival for everyone. They will have to face some basic issues like what to do about food/water and protect themselves from predators. Groups are formed and there are a few stand out characters, but there is a large cast and not all of them get enough attention. That's okay for this collection as it is creating a tone for the larger story. I would expect there to be a greater character focus in the next volume.

I dig the illustrations in this book. Things start out sort of chaotic to match the business of the airport, which is a nice touch. The backgrounds are shown nicely and I like the character drawings. There are a few times when a character looks odd because of proportions, but it didn't ruin the story.

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