Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Clean Room, Volume 1 Review

Clean Room, Volume 1: Immaculate Conception. Gail Simone, Jon David-Hunt, and Quinton Winter. 2016. Vertigo. 144 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I've become a huge fan of Gail Simone's work after reading her work on Batgirl and Red Sonja. She does a great job of creating some fascinating characters, and that trend continues here. This book centers around a reporter, Chloe, and the person she believes is responsible for her fiancée's death, Astrid Mueller.

I think this works because Chloe becomes a believable person to tackle the mystery surrounding Astrid's organization, which shares some characteristics with Scientology. The book splits between the mundane and the supernatural. I like what is done with both of these, but it takes too long to bring them together in a satisfying way. Looking back I enjoy the layout of the story, seeing how early elements really help bring things together by the end of the volume. A reread might be necessary to truly appreciate the work that is done in that regard.

The art is nice, but is definitely meant for a mature audience. It starts off  pretty gruesome, backs off a little, and then ramps things up some more. The characters are drawn well and the coloring is good. Unfortunately, the book didn't excite me enough to justify a reread or picking up the next book.

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