Friday, July 14, 2017

Moon Knight, Volume 2 Review

Moon Knight, Volume 2: Reincarnations. Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood, Wilfredo Torres, Francesco Francovilla, and James Stokoe. 2017. Marvel. 112 pages.

Rating: 4/5

This second volume is a bit strange. It jumps around a lot and lacks some explanation early on, which can make it tough to read. The creators are exploring the personalities of Mark Specter. That's not new territory when it comes to Moon Knight, but I think it is still compelling. I enjoyed the different aspects that were used, especially since this book goes off in a slightly different direction compared to other runs.

That being said, this book finishes strong. The final issue brings things together extremely well and made me excited to continue the series. It felt satisfying taken in light with the three previous issues. There is also an issue from the 1980's Moon Knight series that fits in well with the current story. It gives some background to complement one of the storylines. That makes the new book feel more like an homage to the earlier stuff while continuing off of what came before.

The art is fantastic. There are a few different styles included that connect to the different storylines. I've been a fan of this character for a long time and I'm extremely satisfied with this version. I recommend checking it out (start with volume 1 though).

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