Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Ultimate Spider-Man, Volume 3 Review

Ultimate Spider-Man, Volume 3: Double Trouble. Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley. 2001. Marvel. 176 pages.

Rating: 4/5

There's a lot going on in this volume. It introduces Gwen Stacy and Kraven the Hunter to the Ultimate series and brings back Otto Octavius as Doctor Octopus.

I love what they do with Doctor Octopus. There is a lot of psychological trauma affecting the character after his accident. He is seeking revenge on the person he blames for it, but grows out of simply wanting to physically hurt him. It shows the intelligence Otto is supposed to have from previous iterations and his role as a scientist. Nicely done.

Kraven it kind of amusing. His portion of the story didn't impress me a whole lot because it seemed more of a diversion away from the Doctor Octopus portion of the story than anything else. But it is fun to see him as a Steve Irwin type character that sets his sights on Spider-Man. The rewrite as a reality TV star fits the character really well. The humor that comes from his part of the story makes it worth including in the book, particularly near the end of the arc when Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, and Kraven all come together.

Gwen Stacy's appearance is perfect. Her effect on Peter is great. She brings attitude and defiance to his world. It's almost as if she inspires him. I'm looking forward to what she will bring to the series. This sets the tension between Gwen and Mary Jane that sort of defines Peter's love life. As for the art, I don't have much to say. Bagley is doing a great job still.

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