Sunday, July 9, 2017

Southern Bastards, Volume 3 Review

Southern Bastards, Volume 3: Homecoming. Jason Aaron and Jason Latour. 2016. Image Comics. 160 pages.

Rating: 4/5

Volume three of Southern Bastards is a bit different from the first two in terms of storytelling style. It has the same brutal, hold nothing back attitude that the first two books had. I like it even though that can be off-putting at times. But getting back to the style. This volume is told through a series of short stories, one for each issue collected in the volume. They all circle around the big Homecoming game and help to flesh out the setting. These set things up for what is going to happen next.

Since these focus on different characters, some of whom haven't been detailed much beforehand, there is a lot of character development in this book. I love that the creators are able to give a sense of who each of these people are, in the case of the ones that we haven't seen much, or built on what came before, particular with the coach, in such a short span compared with the previous books.

I like the art a lot. Anyone who has read the first two volumes knows what they are getting into with the art (and with the general content). It is gritty and in your face. It isn't always pretty, but it sure can leave an impression The art goes a long way to underscoring the tone of the book. Aaron and Latour are a great combination for this series.

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