Monday, July 24, 2017

Rai, Volume 3 Review

Rai, Volume 3: The Orphan. Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain. 2016. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.

Rating: 5/5

This volume is excellent. It follows directly on the heels of volume two. The focus is split between Rai, who is now on Earth, and his friends that are still battling Father on New Japan. That dual story allows the reader a little bit of a break from what has been happening up until now. The best part is that the creators do a wonderful job of making Rai's journey interesting.

There are some different characters introduced in this volume, and some characters from the previous books get a chance to shine, which helps balance the story. I particularly like Rai's growth over the course of the series. There were a couple unexpected turns in this book, which is nice to see.

The art is top notch once again. Crain's style can be a bit off-putting at times, but when he nails a scene it is simply gorgeous. There are numerous moments like that in this volume that made me stop to appreciate his art.

This book leaves off at an odd point. Things have clearly changed over the course of the story, but it is necessary to pick up the next volume to see how things play out. Anyone that has made it this far into the series shouldn't have a problem with wanting it to continue.

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