Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Troublemaker, Book 1 Review

Trouble Maker, Book One. Janet Evanovich, Alex Evanovich, and Joelle Jones. 2010. Dark Horse Books. 112 pages.

Rating: 3/5

I thought this book was fun. It is a short mystery about a friend of the protagonists that goes missing. They set out to find her and take some strange detours along the way. The story could have been stronger though. It felt more like a way to show off the characters than to tell a particular compelling story. The characters get brief introductions, so its not necessary to read any of Evanovich's other works to enjoy this one.

Sam and Alex are members of a racing team (no really, stay with me here; that part isn't all that important to the plot). For reasons I won't get into, they can't go to the police about their missing friend. But this allows the relationship, or non-relationship?, between the main characters to come forward. They aren't particularly deep characters, but what is presented is done well. It gets pretty funny once Sam's mom comes on the scene.

The art has to be the best part of this book though. It is cartoonish yet stylish. I feel like they wanted to gear this toward adults without making the art super realistic, and it works wonderfully. The instances where Jones gets to show off the background and landscapes are great too. This isn't a book that I would normally go out of my way to read (it came as part of a Comic Bento box that I received), but it was a nice distraction and made me want to pick up some other stuff featuring Jones' art.

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