Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Star Wars, Volume 1 Review

Star Wars, Volume 1: Skywalker Strikes. Jason Aaron, John Cassaday, and Laura Martin. 2015. Marvel. 160 pages.

Rating: 5/5

Man was this book a lot of fun to read. It helps that I like Jason Aaron's writing. Yet, the artists do a let to shape the story too.

It opens the same way that any Star Wars fan would expect based on the movies. That is the beginning of a story with a very cinematic feel that weaves in common elements from the films that give the book a life of its own. It takes place shortly after A New Hope, and all the expected characters are present, plus a couple unexpected ones. The story fills in some gaps of what happens between the movies, showing how the Rebel Alliance moves against the Empire.

First and foremost, I love the characterization. This book captures the feel of the relationships between the characters and their personalities. Vader is a standout here because it shows off why he is such a feared character. And I enjoyed the art a lot too. It can be difficult to capture the likeness of such iconic characters from the film and this book does it right. All in all, this is a great start to the new Star Wars comic franchise.

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