Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Generation Zero, Volume 2 Review

Generation Zero, Volume 2: Heroscape. Fred Van Lente, Diego Bernard, and Javier Pulido. 2017. Valiant Entertainment. 112 pages.


Disclaimer: I received a free ecopy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This takes many of the antics from the first volume and amps them up. At the same time, it loses some of the humor that made the first book so much fun. It is a much more serious arc that gives this newer group of heroes a chance to shine. For me, they became much more distinct and I was able to appreciate them more.

The heroes continue to fight against the Cornermen and the people in charge of Rook. Some of the turns the story takes allow the creators to play with different art styles. I really like when a book can do this in a natural way and it works well here. An antagonist comes back in a new way, which provides a rather satisfying foil to Keisha gives a nice boost to the story. The wrap of the arc is great. The series comes full circle at this point while leaving room for it, or others, to grow.

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