Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ultimate Spider-Man Volume 4 Review

Ultimate Spider-Man, Volume 4: Legacy. Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley. 2006. Marvel. 160 pages.

Rating: 4/5

The first half of this book was a little disappointing. It wasn't bad per se, but it dipped in quality compared to the rest of the series. There were some issues with the dialog that should have been caught in the editing stage. The story wasn't bad, I just felt like it didn't stand out too much.

So, Harry and Norman Osbourne (and the Goblin) are back in this arc. Peter is dealing with being grounded and trying to figure out whether Norman remembers that he is Spider-Man. There isn't anything terribly exciting in this portion of the story. Gwen Stacy gets a good setup in regards to Harry, and it softens some of the conflict between Gwen and Mary Jane from the previous volume.

The second half of this book was outstanding though. I love the fourth issue in the volume because it flips things by showing things through Norman's perspective, which allows Bagley to play with the art a bit. The style set up in the previous volumes is still there, but it goes in a little bit different direction, which I enjoyed. Plus, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury show up in this volume. Their role in the first half is small, but they come into play more in the second half. This more than anything else made Spider-Man feel more connected to something bigger. I'm not sure if that will become important later on or not.

After this volume, I'm sort of on the fence about Mary Jane. I think some of her reactions were just over the top.

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